Sweet Desserts

Collection of All Sweets that wrap up your MEALS


Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Strawberry Jelly

Strawberry Jelly

One of classic kiddies’ all time favorite. I always have some jelly in the fridge when I was a kid. I buy packs of “jelly ace” and store in fridge. I can easily be bribed with a pack of jelly. Those were the days when things are not so complicated! I didn’t realize that it is that easy to make! Now, I can have loads of flavors! I should have known this before eyyh? I guess I wasn’t that smart and clever yet!

1 pack (24 g) unflavored gulaman powder
2 teaspoons strawberry flavoring
½ teaspoon red coloring
1 liter water
2 cups sugar


In a casserole, put 1 liter of water (not warm or hot), add sugar, flavoring and coloring. Stir until sugar is completely dissolved. Gradually sprinkle 1 pack of gulaman powder while stirring constantly until gulaman has completely dissolved. Stand for 5 to 10 minutes. Heat the mixture and stir constantly until it thickens and comes to a near boil. Remove from heat and pour into molding container.


Monday, November 14, 2005

Cookies and Cream with Orange wedges

Cookies and cream with orange


1 pack Chocolate biscuits
100 g. Softened butter
2 teaspoons whiskey
2 cups Whipped cream
1/2 cup Icing sugar

Pound some chocolate biscuits using a mortar and pestle until roughly fine and mix thoroughly with
softened butter. Add 3 Tablespoons of the mixture into a circular cookie cutter and press down creating a base about 1/2 inch thick. Add 1 tablespoon of whiskey to the base. Place each base in a saucer and refrigerate for about 30 minutes. Mix whipped cream with icing sugar and place on top of the base
using the same mold. Add segments of orange just before serving.


Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Fruit Salad


What could be healthier than fruit salad? So simple and colorful. Slice fruits into chunks and sprinkle juice of half of a lemon and orange juice. No sugar and cream added, just fresh fruits! Here, got water melon, banana, apple, pear, wedges of orange and grapefruit and mango.


Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Grapefruit and Orange

grapefruit and orange

I love how it looks... simply wedges of orange and grapefruit and a teaspon of syryp at the center. Makes healthy citrus dessert!